As a small business owner, you’re likely concerned about every penny you spend. That’s a good thing, because you need to keep track of your income and expenses. It also means, however, that you might be less likely to hire people who can help your business. People like bookkeepers, who are great investments for any small business.
So what does a bookkeeper do? Bookkeepers take care of the daily financial records for your business and make sure your books balance. They can create and send invoices, track receipts and reimbursements, reconcile accounts and prepare certain financial reports. All the frustrating day-to-day financial stuff that you probably dislike, they love.
Bookkeepers are a great investment for your small business, for a number of reasons.
They save you time
Unless you’re great at bookkeeping and really enjoy it, you may find bookkeeping a headache. Chances are, you’ll put it off until it’s a massive chore to take on, then take 10 times as long to do it. You’ll find it takes you away from other business tasks such as training staff, networking or marketing your business.
The time you spend trying to understand your financials could be better spent on tasks you’re good at. A bookkeeper should be more efficient, they won’t have as many errors, and in the long run can save you a lot of stress.
Your time—and your sanity—are worth the cost of a bookkeeper.
They are experts in their field
Bookkeepers can also provide you with insight about your company’s financial situation. If you’re overspending in a certain area or need to reallocate funds, your bookkeeper will tell you. If there’s something you don’t understand about your financial situation, your bookkeeper will explain it to you, so your financial situation isn’t a mystery.
They prevent errors
Because bookkeepers are experts in their field, they won’t make the same mistakes you’ll make. Those mistakes might seem small at first, but data entry errors, mixing up expenses, and other errors can add up, costing you money.
They help you get paid
As a small business owner, you might have so many other tasks that the ones that ensure you get paid—like sending out invoices—fall off the priority list. How many small business owners can say they’ve never been late sending out an invoice?
Your bookkeeper can ensure your bills are paid on time and all invoices are sent out promptly. If your invoices aren’t paid by their due date, the bookkeeper will be on top of it.
Is there any better investment for your business than one that makes sure you get paid for the work you do?
Final thoughts
The services a bookkeeper provides can help you financially in the long run. They also prevent a lot of headaches and save you valuable time.
As a small business owner, there’s no way you can be an expert in all aspects of running your business. If you don’t like bookkeeping or don’t have the time or knowledge to do it well, a bookkeeper is a valuable resource and a great investment for you.
Need help with your bookkeeping? We can help. Contact us on 03 7022 6838, email: or via our contact form
Disclaimer: All information provided in this blog is of a general nature only and is not intended to represent specific personal financial, investment, accounting or taxation advice. It does not take into account your particular objectives and circumstances. No person should act on the basis of this information without first obtaining and following the advice of a suitably qualified professional advisor. To the fullest extent permitted by law, no person involved in producing, distributing, or providing the information in this blog (Including WDS Business Group) will be liable in any way for any loss or damage suffered by any person through the use of or access to this information.